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Repertory Rumblings Issue 7 (2021)

Welcome 2021, Time for Fun!

Welcome back to a brand new year and hopefully COVID pending, some great shows for 2021!

Blackadder, The Golden Age
Tickets for our first show of the year are available now. Blackadder, The Golden Age is on at the SIT Centrestage theater from 17th-20th March and you can purchase your tickets online at Ticketek or in person to either The Southland Chamber of Commerce in the SIT Arcade or ILT Stadium Southland. Or just click on the poster below and it'll take you straight to the Blackadder, The Golden Age Ticketek page and purchase your tickets now!
We understand their may be some apprehension in purchasing tickets with the current COVID Level 2 we are currently at, but hopefully we can nip it in the bud this week and at this stage we still intend to go ahead as schedule. We will let you know as soon as we can if circumstances change.
Blackadder, The Golden Age is again devised and directed by Jason Fraser, who returns to the helm after the sellout season of Blackadder Goes Forth (The Play) in 2018. This time the Blackadder Dynasty is set in the Elizabethan era with the usual escapades and crazy characters you've all come to expect in this madcap comedy based on the BBC tv series. 

Membership and AGM
On the 24th of March is the Invercargill Repertory Society AGM. Membership fees are now due. If you'd like to have your say or wish to stand for the committee all fees are now due. Nomination forms will be sent out through our social media platforms and they will be due back by Wednesday 10th March 2021. Now is your chance to have your say and participate in the governing of the society. We encourage anyone to have a go and appreciate all the help we can get. 
Membership rates for 2021 financial year are:

  • $45.00 Single
  • $80.00 Double
  • $25.00 Student/Unwaged

This gives you voting rights at the AGM, preferential bookings and information to all our shows but also assigned tickets to our 3 major productions this year. Extremely good value!

T&Cs Single/Student Membership gets 1 ticket and Double Membership gets 2 tickets to the 3 Major Productions. Student/Unwaged Membership do not have voting rights at the AGM.

Click on the link below to apply for your 2021 membership now!
